Tuesday 1 November 2011

ZINASU Bulawayo launches The ZINASU We Want Campaign:

Following protracted deliberations during the provincial students convention that was held  on  the  sidelines of the southern region constitutional convention (27 October ,Rainbow Hotel ) ,  The Zimbabwe National Students Union Bulawayo Provincial executive has launched the Zinasu We Want campaign, as part of several initiatives enshrined in its “First 90 days plan of action”.
The initiative, which is part of the concerted efforts that the provincial leadership led by Cde Joram Chikwadze is instituting towards the revival of the students union in the province and in the broader national movement, comes at a time the students union is experiencing several challenges as it gears up to its national congress. 
The prime goal of the campaign is engagement aimed at revamping the students union, rekindling the students’ consciousness through the democratic participation of the broader student masses in the union’s decision making processes and the determination of the students union’s destiny. 
 Speaking during the inception of the campaign, Bulawayo Region Chairman Cde Joram “joe tongo” Chikwadze called on the students community from the region and beyond to actively participate in this crucial brainstorming and future shaping campaign that should see the ultimate restoration of the students union to its rightful place in the broader struggle for social transformation and democracy in Zimbabwe.
“ The Students cadreship and broader community is thus being called to introspect into the current status of the students union, constructively brainstorm around issues bedeviling the union and the students of Zimbabwe,  and add brick, mortar etc to the reconstruction  of our beloved union” Cde Chikwadze reiterated. “The union belongs to us and its’ destiny, which is our destiny, is in our own hands”.
Visit www.zinasubulawayo.blogspot.com , lay down your bright intellectual pieces in the comments section.  Other avenues of participation  to this crucial campaign include e-mailing to bulawayostudentsunion@yahoo.com / zinasubulawayoregion@gmail.com , posting at Zinasu Bulawayo facebook  page, posting to The Bulawayo Students Voice facebook group, tweeting on Zinasu Bulawayo twitter link, SMS 0777 748 312 / 0775 311 419,  Voice Calls  0777 748 312

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cdes i think this will go long way towards the revival of zinasu